10 Really Good Reasons We Love Travelers Rest

What’s so great about small town Travelers Rest, S.C.? We’re glad you asked. To be fair, the list of good things to say about this place is long — and growing. But if we’ve got to narrow it down to a small handful, then each of these makes the cut.

1. The Soothing Name

Just the mere mention of this South Carolina city makes you feel like some heavy burden’s been lifted, a resolution’s been made.

When you’ve had your fill of globetrotting, it feels so right to tell them all, “I’m going back home to Travelers Rest.” What a name!

See, it’s not just some name picked from a hat. It’s a powerful statement that’s held true throughout our history. That’s what travelers do. They rest. Here.


2. The In-Between Location

You can’t get any better than Travelers Rest’s location, about midway between downtown Greenville, S.C. and the North Carolina border.

The town — and northern Greenville County at large — is set amidst both peaceful mountain country and vibrant city life, offering the best of both worlds. In fact, it’s the perfect place to bike, hike, and adventure or dine, shop, and go out on the town, if you ask us.

3. The Recognizable Swamp Rabbit Trail

We love that little multi-use, rails-to-trails pathway that connects Travelers Rest to Greenville County’s other communities, as well as Greenville city’s very own award-winning downtown area.

And we’re not the only ones who are fond of the trail. In fact, Fodor’s named the popular and oft-used Swamp Rabbit one of America’s best urban trails. Does it really surprise you?

4. The Picturesque Downtown

Lest you think we’re advocating hopping on the trail to get out of town, let’s talk about the experience of spending time in town.

Travelers Rest’s downtown area is quite the charmer. But what is it about our downtown that makes us gawk?

Perhaps it’s the old-timey, downward-curving street lights that dot the brick-lined sidewalks. Or is it that stalwart clock at the trailhead? Or the ambling people who don’t seem to be in any particular hurry? Or maybe it’s those old buildings that have been repurposed and brought to new life with local shops.

5. The Local Focus

Speaking of local shops, there are plenty to go around in Travelers Rest.

Local folks have opened up one-of-a-kind antique shops, boutiques, and eateries that are yours for enjoying.

What’s more, the small-town atmosphere in Travelers Rest means you’re always sure to bump into a friendly face on your ventures out and about, to see an old friend or make a new one.


6. The Tasty Food

Did we mention food yet? From pizza places to ice cream shops to wine bars to hot dog joints to more upscale American restaurants, we’ve got it all in Travelers Rest.

As Travelers Rest continues to grow, so does its food scene. And we don’t have a problem with that one bit.

7. The Open Countryside

But Travelers Rest isn’t all city. It’s still got plenty of countryside and farmland to admire, as you drive along its winding backroads. Most folks here also like to dabble in farming, gardening, hunting, camping, fishing, boating, or all of the above.

In other words, we’ll find any excuse to get outside and enjoy blue skies and beautiful land.

8. The Fun Events

If you’re like us, you need to get out on the town every now and then, too. Thankfully, Travelers Rest offers an ever-plentiful roster of upcoming events, both weekly and annual.

Farmers markets. Race nights. 5ks. Cook-offs. Art festivals. Check, check, check. We can oblige.


9. The Beloved Park

As if it could get any better, many of Travelers Rest’s favorite events happen at Trailblazer Park, the city’s new amphitheater and festival grounds that’s set against the backdrop of Paris Mountain.

Movie showings. Farmers markets. Music in the Park concerts. For free.

Don’t mind if we do!

10. The Memorable Stories

Not to honk our own horn, but TR locals and visitors seem to love TravelersRestHere.com. It’s become an integral part of Travelers Rest, a place where you can engage with and learn about this charming, growing town and its stories.

The only thing half as good as Travelers Rest itself is one central place where you can learn about Travelers Rest, and that’s right here.

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Travelers Rest Here © 2025 A town as charming as its name.