See & Do
Slater Marietta Market

Slater Marietta Market Opens Twice Each Month

If you live in the Slater Marietta community, you’re well aware that there is no in-town grocery store.…

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Going to the Chapel: Wedding Venues in Travelers Rest

Written by Susannah Lewis   Picture it. The Blue Ridge Mountains set the scene for a bride-and-groom champagne…

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Talk of the Town: ‘Jaw-Dropping Places in South Carolina’ Include Greenville County Landmarks

In a list of some of the most interesting places in South Carolina, gave props to Poinsett…

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Need a Family Fall Adventure with a Short Drive? Head to Dollywood.

Travelers Rest received its name for its location – a resting spot before crossing the mountain to the…

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Screen Shot 2020-07-26 at 10.44.12 PM

You Can Find Zen With a Short Drive

Zen. That elusive ideal and state of being. Zen. Utter relaxation and internal peace. Zen. Everything summer is…

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Featured Town Guide Members
Featured Town Guide Members
Where are my @survivorcbs fans?

A Greenville doctor is one of the 18 castaways on the upcoming season of Survivor 48 that airs this Wednesday. 

I chatted with @cedrekmd last week and have a fun new article on the TRH website about his adventure. (It’s linked in the stooges and the bio.)

If you’ve been around here for a while, you know TR is no stranger to providing contestants for the popular reality television show. 

Read the article to learn about other local Survivor connections. 

Can’t wait to cheer Cedrek on this season !

📸 by Robert Voets/CBS

#travelersresthere #survivor #survivor48
Dum spiro spero. 

While I breathe, I hope.
💕 Let’s share the love today. 

Using the comment section here or the notes feature (that’s the little airplane icon), tell us about who you love and why you love them. 


I’m going to randomly select a few of you to receive some Venmo love ($14.14!) to spend on coffee or flowers or whatever today!

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