Good Neighbors: Supporting Our Small Businesses

We’ve said it over and over in a myriad of ways the past few weeks. We are all in this together. From our very own beginnings here at TRH, we’ve told anyone who would listen – when one TR business succeeds, we all succeed.  When one TR business fails, we all fail. We need one another.  And the silver lining of this impossibly difficult time is that we are more aware than ever before that we are a community that helps one another when times get difficult.

We’re thankful to our friend Missy Kemp for writing this sweet reminder of how we are connected, of why we pull together in hard times and of how we can all help TR stay strong.  Missy is a writer and a mother and a photographer and she and her family enjoy all the good things TR has to offer – in good times and bad.


by Missy Kemp


Imagine an evening at summer’s end, the sky all watercolor sunset and strings of lights, a leisurely drink on the back lawn of Monkey Wrench, in sight of the Swamp Rabbit Trail.



Fast forward to last Friday, the first day of spring, and a little family gathered around an Upcountry Provisions cake, after a virtual party for my 48th birthday. My guests over Zoom would not be able to share from this tower of buttercream and ganache goodness, but I felt celebrated as I blew out my candle.

Both these indelible memories, different as they are, were made possible through small businesses here in Travelers Rest. Up and down Main Street and beyond, creative and talented entrepreneurs who cook and bake and pour and make and curate contribute to the color, life and texture of life here.

In this time of social distancing, as we all stay close to home to guard our health and the well being of the more vulnerable among us, it is our turn to be creative in how we continue, especially through these challenging times, to be good neighbors to our small businesses.

Our shops and restaurants have altered their schedules and practices to honor social distancing guidelines while still providing service to our community. You can roll up to the Tandem bus for a latte or carry out a Sidewall pizza for supper. Topsoil has even turned the front of their restaurant into a market, offering locally produced milk, eggs, and their own bread. A wonderful round up of these options can be found at TR Take Outs.

Our shopkeepers are offering options to view and to order wares on their social media feeds. TR Mercantile, Goose Feathers, Beyond the Threads and others offer shipping and pickup options to minimize contact.

Visit your favorites on Instagram to see and to shop. The purchase of a gift card for later browsing or as a gift for as friend is another way to be supportive.

In such an uncertain time, some of us are counting our pennies, but we can still back our local businesses.

Post about them on social media and send messages of support to their owners and employees.

We are all in this together, and here in Travelers Rest, our business people are neighbors and friends.

To bolster them now is an investment in our own future beautiful memories, when we can gather again in the places that help make TR home.


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