9 Glorious Reactions When You Say You Live in Travelers Rest

Stranger: “So, where’s home for you?”
You: “Travelers Rest.”

What comes next once you’ve told someone that you’re one of those fortunate folks who lives in Travelers Rest, SC? We asked our TravelersRestHere social media followers to weigh in, and here’s what you had to say:

1. Where is that?!

((Submitted by @kwsmoak1 on Instagram))

Good question! More and more people know that Travelers Rest is located about halfway between Greenville and the North Carolina line in northern Greenvillle County of South Carolina, just at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. But some are still learning the ropes, and you get to be the one to explain where we are.

You couldn’t really ask for a better rural setting that’s, at the same time, not too far off from a recently revitalized downtown and some other neat, growing cities like Greenville itself.

But we like @kwsmoak1’s next line even more:

“I tell them it’s close to paradise! And my parents!”

A beautiful place with a whole lotta family love. That’s about right!

2. Full of good people. ♥

((Submitted by Linda Spranger Jetty on Facebook))

Linda agrees about that whole thing that Travelers Rest has some pretty great people. We think it’s the people that really make TR what it is.

3. Oh man, I love that place!

((Submitted by @jesshendrix12 on Instagram))

Shucks. We feel the love. But just in case, @jesshendrix12 made it even clearer:

“And then I respond with, ‘Yep, that’s my HOMEtown. Born and raised. I love what it’s become.’ ? #zipcodepride 

So do we. Whether you were born in Travelers Rest or moved here and now count it your hometown, it’s something to be proud of.

4. Ol’ TR!

((Submitted by @daniella_b_13 on Instagram))

That’s the good kind of old, right? The kind of endearing “ol'” you use for your favorite ol’ pair of hiking boots and your sweet ol’ grandmother who makes fresh cookies every time you come over and your ol’ dog you’ve had since he was a puppy. At least, that’s what we like to think!

5. Cool little town.

((Submitted by Donna Bailey on Facebook))

We couldn’t agree more! In fact, Travelers Rest was voted as one of the coolest small towns in America on BudgetTravel back in 2014, and then mentioned again for being cool by HuffingtonPost and recently by Southeast Discovery. Those are only a few nice things we’ve heard so far.

So maybe we’re ol’, but at least we’re still cool.

6. I do miss the simple slowness and the feeling of being in a very close community.

((Submitted by @bornabadseed1982 on Instagram))

That’s coming from someone who grew up in TR and moved away. We hear this kind of talk a lot from folks who have moved out, but you never really move on. Something about that simple, slow lifestyle sticks with you.

“Forever a DevilDog!” @bornabadseed1982 adds.

7. Travelers “Rest”? No way. Too much to do!

((Submitted by Nita Kelly Boyter on Facebook))

You have a really good point, Nita. From nearby state parks and historic sites to a growing food scene and the enjoyable GHS Swamp Rabbit Trail, there’s no lack of fun and adventure in Travelers Rest.

8. What a cute name for a town.

((Submitted by @stevesulligan on Instagram))

Well, of course we really do like our name. We couldn’t have picked a better one, in fact.

9. We’re hoping to move there.

((Submitted by Steven Lynn on Facebook))

That’s what Steven told us when we mentioned Travelers Rest. And then he added:

“We hope to retire and move to Travelers Rest, if there are any houses we can afford. Lol. Seems like that area is in high demand!”

Well, Steven and other wanna-be Travelers Rest-ers, good news. Yes, Travelers Rest is in high demand. Most wonderful things are. But there’s always room for one more! And there’s especially room for you.

So one day, maybe you’ll know for yourself what it feels like to tell someone, “I live in Travelers Rest.” And maybe you’ll hear a few of these same responses then!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to join the conversation.

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