Arts Lead Learning: Sign Up At TR Makers Co.

Long before school plans shifted for our community, TR Makers Co. has been leading the game in integrating art and science, math and hands on learning.  Their classes set a high standard for what is possible when creativity and education meet.



Yes, TR Makers Co is a shop on our Main Street in TR.
Yes, they work with local artists and sell one of kind jewelry, art, prints and so much more.
Yes, they carry our TRH hats and those adorable maps of TR we commissioned from local artists Jesse and Carissa Bowser.
Yes, they offer adult classes and play dates and plan your own art parties.

And also.

They have a robust and thorough line up of classes for this school year.  And, although this is not a new offering for TR Makers Co, the timing for this year simply couldn’t be better.

You can find the line up of classes and schedules right here.



Although the stellar classes have been offered for many years, this year the name has changed from Homeschool Studies to Arts Lead Learning.  This name better reflects what is actually happening in the classroom, as well as a reminder that the classes are for all students, whether they are public school students or homeschool students – or in the case of this year, a hybrid of both.



Classes are available for kids in kindergarten all the way up through high school.  And – you have options.  Classes are held after school hours or during the day.  Plus, there are also options to take the classes in person or to attend virtually.  You are able to sign up class by class or commit to an entire semester’s worth of arts learning.  In class sessions will be limited to no more than nine students per class.

We’ve had our own kids attend many of the TR Makers Co. classes and we are always impressed with how the kids learn so much, accomplish so much and still report having had a fabulous time!  It’s exactly what a parent wants to hear!



The classes vary widely and represent such a distinct variety of topics and interests, all still pairing art with each objective – it’s remarkable.  Classes like Haiku & Sushi: An Elementary Study in Language Arts & Social Studies – where students enjoy a sensory-rich exploration of Japanese culture. They’ll learn to count syllables and write haikus and they will hand roll (and eat) their own sushi (with kid-friendly ingredients) and then create a Japanese-inspired work of art.  (Sign us up!)

Another example is the Middle Grades class – Into Uncharted Waters: A Middle Grade Study in Oceanography & Nonfiction Literature. Students will cast away on the uncharted waters of the Atlantic Ocean as navigated prior to the 19th century. They’ll wade through ocean currents and learn about those who used them including kings, tradesmen and pirates. They will build their own ship and decide their motivation for a trans-Atlantic passage. Plus, they’ll create their crew’s creed of honor.



Y’all.  That’s just TWO descriptions for an entire year’s worth of amazing classes.  You can see just why you’ll want to sign the kids up.

You can find registration information, every class description, details about virtual options and so much more on the TR Makers Co website.

The instructors at TR Makers Co do a top notch job and the kids are deeply engaged in what they’re learning.  In a season where school choices are a gigantic challenge, these classes are a breath of fresh air exactly when parents need it most.


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